We tailor our initiatives to local needs, prioritizing long-term strategic projects in partnership with non-profit organizations.
Making a positive Impact on our society
We develop quality, innovative, healthy products adapted to our consumers.
Understanding and meeting their needs and supporting community programs and initiatives.

Focus on 4 key lines of action
Education and Employment
Food, Health and Sports
Oceans and Artisanal Fishing

Find out how we are helping to improve and strengthen the communities in which we are present.
Delivery of school material in Senefand
Once again Senefand, our subsidiary in Senegal, distributed school material to all the children of the company's employees for the new school year.
Blood donation campaign at Profand Vilagarcía
On July 30th The Agency for Organ and Blood Donation (ADOS- in Galician) carried out a special blood donation campaign at Profand Vilagarcía. During the day, all those who volunteered were able to donate blood in a mobile unit that was parked in the port area, in...
Clean Seas Inititiave in Kefalonia
The community of Xiramoni, located near Kefalonia's facilities, our Greek subsidiary, in collaboration with the local cleaning services, installed trash containers along the coastline. The installation of the containers seeks to ease the proper disposal of waste by...
Goal donation from Consermar
Consermar, our company in Argentina, reinforces its commitment to support local communities by donating news goals for the girl’s football team Gaiman.
Kefalonia’s Keforce team organizes volunteering for Yperion
Yperion’s mission is to ensure equal rights for people with disabilities and provide support to their families. The Love Dinner organized by Keforce was not only a gesture of appreciation for Yperion's invaluable social work, but also a reminder of the importance of...
Biome Marine Biology Center support
Seafreeze, our subsidiary based in Rhode Island (USA), supports the Biome Marine Biology Center, which specialises in conducting education and teaching programmes related to the marine biology of Narragansett Bay and the Atlantic Ocean.