Looking to the future
We are a leading multinational in the global fishing industry
Processing plants
Aquaculture sites
Our activity in the world
We fish, cultivate, process, elaborate and commercialise sea products with the highest quality, under an integrated and sustainable model.

United States
- 5 Vessels
- 2 Refrigerated warehouses
- 2 Processing plants
- Sales Office
- Logistics company
- 3 Processing plants
- 10 Vessels
- 1 Processing plant
- Group headquarters
- 3 Processing plants
- 3 Aquaculture facilities
- 2 Refrigerated warehouses
- Commercial Office (South Europe)
- Commercial Office
- IMV Head office and sales office (Northern Europe)
- 3 Aquaculture facilities
- 1 Processing plant
- 1 Hatchery
- 1 Aquaculture facility
- 1 Processing plant
- 9 Vessels
- 2 Processing plants
- 2 Refrigerated warehouses
- Commercial Office
Our principles

We want to lead the development of the fish of the future, always adapting to global trends and anticipating the wishes and needs of our customers while contributing to the conservation of the oceans and the progress of our communities.
We are a multinational company with a global presence that covers the entire value chain from the source, integrating fishing and aquaculture, processing and distribution of fish, cephalopods and crustaceans. All under an integrated model and committed to quality, sustainability and innovation.
We embrace our obligations and commitments to the Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda, by creating value for society and minimizing our negative impact on the environment.
Food safety
We guarantee our customers that all our products have been manufactured under strict and total food safety measures.
Quality and innovation
Due to our strong quality culture, food safety and innovation, we provide consumers with safe, healthy and nutritious products with higher quality than expected.
We are committed to what we do and how we do it, measuring our impact on society and the environment. We offer solutions based on understanding and learning in order to turn barriers into opportunities.