Audits and certifications at Profand Vilagarcía

30 Jul 2024

Our Profand Vilagarcía plant has achieved excellent results in all audits held this year.


The IFS Food audit has been successfully passed, which means recognition of Profand Vilagarcía’s commitment to manufacture quality, safe and authentic products.


On the other hand, the GLOBAL G.A.P. Chain of Custody (CoC) certification has been renewed, guaranteeing that the plant complies with the highest standards of quality and safety, animal welfare, environmental protection and fair labor conditions, while promoting sustainability and social awareness in the supply chain.


In addition, the ISO 14001 Management System follow-up audit took place, positioning the plant as a socially responsible company for the environment.


Finally, Profand Vilagarcía has once again obtained the certificate in Specific Self-Control Systems (S.A.E.), which guarantees compliance with the tracking and animal health requirements required within the importing country.


Having successfully passed all the audits is undoubtedly the best recognition of the daily effort of all the workers at the Profand Vilagarcía plant.


Read more about the Group’s certifications here.